Some Great Evangelism Articles: My Judgmental Look at the 2019 EPA Higher Goals Contest
There were around 29 articles written by gifted men and
women on various aspects of evangelism. In all honesty, I tend to like
almost anything about reaching people, so picking 5 is a challenge. (Can
I give everyone a participation trophy?)
While I applaud all those that competed, I want to
highlight the top five in descending order. I will also attach the link
to the article so that you can go and check them out.
#5 — "Salvation Bracelets in Africa? No, Thanks” by Melanie Clinton
Some people don’t see the need for good
contextualization. They believe people need to stick with telling the
truth and preaching the word. I’m all for telling the truth and
preaching the word. Here’s the problem, though: I can speak the truth
and preach the word in English all day long, but if I’m speaking to a
group of French-speaking West Africans, it does me no good.
Melanie Clinton’s article gives us a reminder that,
while salvation bracelets are an evangelistic hit at the local Vacation
Bible School here in America, they aren’t, in West Africa. Based upon
how Africans understand color and perceive “beads,” the use of a
salvation bracelet is ineffective.
Just as in Africa, we in America need to engage in good
contextualization for greater gospel impact. Melanie writes, “In order
to share the gospel effectively, we have to forget what feels
comfortable and natural in our own culture and embrace what works in the
culture we’re serving in.”
In short, engaging in good contextualization leads to greater gospel impact.
#4 — "Four Practices that Characterize Wesleyan Evangelism” by Douglas Powe (This link is to an article that was adapted from the original published in Grace and Peace Magazine.)
Understanding one’s history is like a tree deepening its
roots. That’s why it is important for believers, networks, and
denominations to link themselves to some kind of orthodox history.
Knowing our history deepens our connectivity to our mission and vision.
When denominations have either forgotten or ignored their roots they
often find themselves tossed in the direction of the cultural winds.
Douglas Powe’s article, “Four Practices that
Characterize Wesleyan Evangelism,” helps remind us of some of that
history. Douglas not only shares four practices that characterized
Wesley—and thus Wesleyans—but he roots these practices in the New
Testament. His goal, therefore, is to encourage the Wesleyans to not
only remember their denomination’s forefather, but to not forget the
four biblical practices that Wesley rooted evangelism in.
Those who embrace such a practice will be like a tree
planted by streams of water. They will have deep biblical and historical
roots that will allow them to withstand any outside element that
threatens both their orthodoxy and orthopraxy.
#3 — "Reaching Gamers with the Gospel” by Aaron Wilson
Whether it was the woman at the well or Zacchaeus
perched in a tree, Jesus went to where people were. Gaming today is a
modern tree or well that we can use to meet and engage people far from
Jesus. In fact, did you know that the average age of a gamer is around
34 years old?[1] (I didn’t!)
More than 150 million Americans play video games. Think
about that; that’s almost half the US population! In short, gamers are a
significant community within the U.S.
So how can the church engage this community well? In
this article, Aaron gives a good baseline in helping people
understanding the gaming community. In addition, he provides some ways
the church can think about engaging this large demographic for greater
gospel impact.
#2 — "A Pizza-Box Sign” by Elizabeth Drummond
The hardest step to take towards evangelism for many is
the first step of action. It’s easy to pray for opportunities; it’s hard
to execute when that opportunity presents itself. Thoughts of, I’m busy, They aren’t really interested, What if I don’t know the answer to a question they ask?or I’ll come back later fill our minds at the moment of an opportunity.
Elizabeth’s article “The Pizza-box Sign” talks about taking such opportunities.
She had similar thoughts when she saw a homeless man on
the sidewalk with his sign that read, “You don’t have to give us money.
We ♥breakfast too.”
With the Spirit prodding her to stop, she buys the man
breakfast and spends the next several hours with him. Her simple acts of
stopping, engaging, and buying a breakfast sandwich and coffee laid the
groundwork for great spiritual conversation. Just remember, the hardest
first step in evangelism might be the healthiest step for someone’s
#1 — "Real Simple Sharing” by Aaron Myers
We live in a complex world. Political polarization.
Division. Diversity. Brokenness. The list could go on and on. The
nuances of theology can be complex. Living in the age of techniques can
complicate matters as voices vie for which technique (or way) is better.
I get it; life’s complicated!
Maybe that’s part of the issue with evangelism. We’ve simply made it too complicated.
Enter Aaron Myers. In his article “Real Simple Sharing,”
Aaron gets to the heart of evangelism. According to Aaron, here are
four simple questions we can all ask regarding evangelism: 1) Why share
the gospel? 2) Who should I share the gospel with? 3) What should I
share with others? and 4) When should I share?
Simple enough? I think so.
In closing, congratulations to all the winners of the
EPA. But let me also give a word of encouragement to all those who
participate and who also write—books, blogs, and articles.
Keep writing! You may not win an award or writing
contest. But that’s not why you write. You write to develop your
thoughts on what you’re learning and experiencing. You also write to
share those thoughts with others that we all might grow. Writing
therefore is a way of exercising Proverbs 27:17, “Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.”
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